
What Is Suboxone?

Dealing with withdrawal symptoms is one of the most difficult aspects of recovering from an opioid addiction. Fortunately, suboxone treatment can make the process much more comfortable. Addiction specialist, Ash Azatian, MD in Lubbock, TX knows how suboxone works and can discuss its treatment stages.

How does suboxone help?

Suboxone, a medication made by combining buprenorphine and naloxone, works by triggering the same receptors in the brain targeted by opioids. As as a result, you experience a much less intense "high" than you would if you took opioids but still avoid uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and cravings. During your treatment, the amount of suboxone you take will gradually be decreased until you no longer require the medication. Suboxone offers a highly effective way treat opioid dependence and is less likely to be abused than methadone. You may also feel more comfortable visiting a private physician than standing in line at a methadone clinic.

How can I receive suboxone?

Suboxone is obtained by visiting our clinic in Lubbock. The first phase of treatment, called induction, starts when you initially begin to experience opioid withdrawal symptoms. You'll receive the lowest dose possible that that will help you avoid taking opioids without causing typical withdrawal symptoms, such as sweating, anxiety, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. If you experience no side effects, the dosage will be increased until you no longer experience any withdrawal symptoms. You may need to visit one of our clinics several times over the course of a week to ensure that you're receiving the optimum suboxone dosage. Once the correct dosage is determined, you'll enter stabilization, a phase that typically lasts one to two months. During the next stage, known as the maintenance phase, you'll continue to take the medication but will also participate in behavioral therapy, such as group therapy or a 12-step program. Eventually, your doses will be reduced. Careful supervision during this phase will help ensure that you don't feel the urge to begin using opioids when you stop taking suboxone.



Want more information about suboxone from Ash Azatian, MD? Call our Lubbock, TX office at (806) 687-7394 to learn more

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